Dragon Ball is full of memorable moments in which our favorite characters lose their power, hope, and life. Arc System Works has added to Dragon Ball FighterZ the most dramatic moments that we know from manga and anime. You can sometimes see them as cutscenes when certain conditions are met. In this guide, you'll learn what you need to do to experience these most exciting moments from the entire Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super series once again. Like some other mechanics, Dramatic Intros and Finishes are turned off in Story Mode.
Dramatic Intros
There are three dramatic intros in the game so far. To trigger any of them, both teams must have two specific characters as the primary starting characters. The fight must also take place on a specific stage, and in two cases specific characters cannot take part in it.
For example, Goku vs. Frieza, without Krillin in any team, on Planet Namek. It doesn't matter if Goku will be on the Red team and Frieza on the Blue team or vice versa. Krillin cannot take part in the fight, because in his condition after the end of this scene it could be problematic. This scene took place on Planet Namek, so here we must also fight on this stage. All the dramatic intros and conditions you need to meet to trigger them can be found below.
Krillin destroys Saibamen

During the first meeting of our heroes with Vegeta and Nappa on Earth, Yamcha was killed by Saibamen. Krillin, after finding the body of his friend, fell into a rage. He used his new technique that surprised everyone. A powerful wave of energy broken up into a few smaller ones and destroyed all Saibamens. Now it's time to face Nappa.
- Character 1: Krillin
- Character 2: Nappa
- Stage: Rocky Field (Noon)
Frieza kills Krillin

Probably one of the most important, shocking and dramatic scenes we've seen in the entire Dragon Ball Z. After a long fight with Goku, Frieza decided to kill his companions. In this way, he used his deadly technique and blew up Krillin. Enraged by this, Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan for the very first time. Now it's time to avenge his friend.
- Character 1: Goku (Super Saiyan)
- Character 2: Frieza
- Stage: Planet Namek
- No Krillin
Cell crushes Android 16

During the final battle against Cell at the Cell Games Arena, Android 16 was smashed to pieces. In the last words, he asked the young Gohan to protect the planet from this monster. After these words Cell crushed the android's head. Enraged by this, Gohan -- as the first character -- transforms into a Super Saiyan 2. Time to stop Cell!
- Character 1: Teen Gohan
- Character 2: Cell
- Stage: Cell Games Arena
- No Android 16
Dramatic Finishes
There are seven Dramatic Finishes in the game, which will diversify the ending of some fights if we meet several conditions. We've seen most of them in the manga and anime, but some are an alternative version of events that couldn't have occurred in the original Dragon Ball Z.
To trigger Dramatic Finish, Character 1 must end the fight using Heavy Attack (check in Controls) on Character 2. The fight must take place on a specific stage.
Nappa's Saibamen detonates on Yamcha

The scene that was mentioned in dramatic intro "Krillin destroys Saibamen". During the first meeting with Vegeta and Nappa on Earth, Yamcha fought against Saibamens. He was doing quite well but for a moment he lost concentration, letting one of those creatures approach too closely. Saibamen detonated on Yamcha, making him the first mortal victim during the fight against Saiyans.
- Character 1: Nappa
- Character 2: Yamcha
- Stage: Rocky Field (Noon)
Goku obliterates Frieza

After a long battle and many dramatic events, Goku defeated Frieza on Namek. In his goodness, he gave Frieza some energy to let him escape the planet, which will soon be completely destroyed. Enraged Frieza used this energy to attack Goku one last time. In response, Goku sent a powerful wave of energy that ended -- almost -- the life of this powerful evil emperor.
- Character 1: Goku
- Character 2: Frieza
- Stage: Planet Namek (Destroyed)
Trunks obliterates Frieza

After the events on Namek and the arrival of Trunks to the present times, Frieza, his father, and army came to Earth to take revenge on Goku. Our warriors remembered how terrible it was to fight Frieza on Namek, and now it looks like he has become even stronger. Trunks surprised everyone even more by simply cutting Frieza into pieces and finally burning him to ashes. This scene showed that Goku is not the only Super Saiyan. It motivated Vegeta to even more difficult training and as a result, also achieved Super Saiyan form.
- Character 1: Trunks
- Character 2: Frieza
- Stage: Rocky Field (Noon)
Gohan destroys Cell with one-handed Kamehameha

Another iconic scene this time with teen Gohan. Cell after a long fight with Goku and then with Gohan, wanting to destroy the earth decided to blow up. Goku using Instant Transmission has moved with him to the Kai's planet where he died in the explosion. Unfortunately, one small cell of the monster survived and it was enough for fully recover of him. He returned to the Earth and forced exhausted warriors to continue fighting. When Vegeta was to receive a deadly blow, Gohan covered him with his own body. In result, his arm was messed. Goku used Kai's ability to contact Gohan and help him release the full potential of his power in a huge and powerful Kamehameha, which completely destroyed Cell.
In the original story Goku died before Gohan used the final attack. However, there is no requirement that Goku (Super Saiyan) or Goku (SSGSS) will not participate in the fight to trigger this dramatic finisher.
- Character 1: Teen Gohan
- Character 2: Cell
- Stage: Wasteland
Goku destroys Kid Buu with a Spirit Bomb

Buu proved to be the most difficult opponent from all those encountered by Goku in Dragon Ball Z. Vegeta sacrificed his life in an explosion that would destroy Buu in his first form. Then everyone was counting on the power of Gotenks, who easily reached Super Saiyan 3 form. Unfortunately, he and Piccolo were absorbed by the monster. Even Gohan, who released the ultimate power, couldn't defeat Buu and ended up as Gotenks and his mentor. After all these events and another tough fight, Goku successfully used powerful Spirit Bomb and freed the world from this deadly threat. By the way, although Goku knew the Spirit Bomb technique during the first fight with Vegeta, only Buu was defeated with it.
- Character 1: Goku
- Character 2: Kid Buu
- Stage: Land of the Kai's
Beerus spares Goku's life

Goku wanted to face Beerus in a real fight and he got it. After Goku reached the Super Saiyan God form, it looked like he is on the same level as the God of Destruction. Unfortunately, Goku couldn't maintain his power on that level for long enough, and that led to a situation in which Earth could be destroyed. Despite total exhaustion, Goku found some strength and turned into Super Saiyan God, then destroyed the enormous energy attack from Beerus. Goku made such an impression on the God of Destruction that he decided to save not only him, but the entire planet.
- Character 1: Beerus
- Character 2: Goku (Super Saiyan)
- Stage: Space
Yamcha destroys Saibamen and defeats Nappa

An alternative version of the fight between Yamcha and Nappa. As we know, Yamcha was killed by Saibamen who detonated on him. In this variant, Yamcha reacted quickly enough and used Kamehameha to defeat Nappa.
- Character 1: Yamcha
- Character 2: Nappa
- Stage: Rocky Field (Noon)
Dramatic Special Moves
During the game, you may also encounter several attacks that can be qualified as dramatic. There are special attacks of some characters and you don't have to meet any additional conditions to perform them.
Farewell, Tien...

This move refers to the fight when Vegeta and Nappa came to Earth. Chiaotzu wanting to stop Nappa sacrificed his own life and detonated on it, believing that this would stop the Saiyan. Unfortunately, Nappa survived this attack. In Dragon Ball FighterZ it's 3 bars Ultimate Attack of Tien. You can use this technique only once during the fight on anyone -- not only on Nappa. It deals the same damage as Neo Tri-Beam and cannot be vanished.
As Tien use your 3 bars Ultimate Attack (Down, Left, R1/RT).
Last Resort

Another auto-destruction, but this time it's about our character. This attack excludes from the fight both Android 16 and the opponent.
As Android 16 use your 3 bars Ultimate Attack (Down, Left, R1/RT).