Ultra Dragon Ball Z Mugen
1.0, 2019
File size:
1.3 GB

About Ultra Dragon Ball Z Mugen

Ultra Dragon Ball Z Mugen is a classic fighting game made by Theguzyo using Mugen engine. It's based on other popular game, Hyper Dragon Ball Z. The author has added many interesting characters and stages, and packed it all in a nice-looking screenpack. You'll find here many references to Dragon Ball FighterZ like music, character select screen, screen before and after the fight, and many more.

Ultra Dragon Ball Z allow you to chose from 31 playable characters, including both original and moded characters from Hyper Dragon Ball Z, and many other based on the Extreme Butoden style. Considering how unique the Z2 Team's game is, combining it with the classic fast Mugen characters gives the player a lot of fun. The clashes takes place on 35 different stages and also here you'll find familiar places from many other popular Dragon Ball Mugen games. Ultra Dragon Ball Z includes all game modes typical for the Mugen engine, except that the author turned off the possibility to fight between four characters at one time. It was a wise decision, because unlike most other Mugen games based on JUS sprites (which are pretty small), the characters here are pretty big and and four on one screen at one time would be really confusing.

Like almost every Mugen game, Ultra Dragon Ball Z has many multiplayer modes in which you can play with your friend on one device. You can stand up to a duel and check out who is a better fighter or as a team fight against opponents controlled by computer AI. Here, both competition and cooperation with a friend provide a lot of fun.

What about the balance? It's a combination of several different types of gameplay, but it works surprisingly well. Each character has its strengths and weaknesses and it only depends on you how you use both. Remember, however, that the Mugen games are very specific and we can never expect the balance that we know from official games. Fun is the most important thing and you'll surely find here a lot of it.

Ultra Dragon Ball Z Mugen - Screenshot

How to install?

You can play this game without installing.

  • Unzip the downloaded file (you can use WinRAR for example).
  • Run Ultra Dragon Ball Z.exe in the main game folder, select Normal Mode and press Play.

Extra information

  • If you want to play the game on fullscreen, press Alt + Enter.
  • Some character folders (Game/chars/) include Read-me files, in which you can find special moves and tips how to play more effectively.



- .zip, 1.3 GB
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