Dragon Ball Z Kakarot cover
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC Windows
Bandai Namco
January 17, 2020
5 205
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    Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: Opening movie
    Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: Opening movie Bandai Namco has released the opening movie from the upcoming Dragon Ball Z Kakarot. You can watch the video below. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is developed by CuberConnect2 and will be released by Bandai Namco on Janu...
    Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: Features trailer
    Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: Features trailer Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot with an overview of such features as the battle, eating, training, skill tree, the Community Board, and general RPG's systems. You can watch the video be...
    Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: Locations
    Dragon Ball Z Kakarot: Locations Bandai Namco has released some new screenshots of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot featuring well-known places such as Planet Namek, West City, King Kai’s Planet, and more. You can find all the new screenshots below or in our gall...