Almost every game these days has hidden content that the player can unlock by doing some specific things. In Dragon Ball FighterZ, you can find three hidden characters and many cosmetic items to customize your Avatar and Player Card in the Lobby. In this guide, you'll learn how to unlock all of them.
Three additional characters can join your roster if you put some effort into it. It's not difficult and if you like to play this game, you'll probably unlock them sooner or later anyway. However, if you want to unlock any of the following characters as soon as possible, here you'll learn how to do it.
Goku (SSGSS)

Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, also known as Super Saiyan Blue. A powerful Goku's form, in which he can face the most difficult challenges. This character can surprise your opponent with the powerful X10 Kaioken Kamehameha, which can be reinforced with the Dragon Fist attack using an additional 2 bars of energy. Very strong, mobile, and easy to play.
Early access to Goku (SSGSS) was one of the pre-order bonuses, so if you pre-ordered the game, you got access to this character in every game mode (except Story Mode). If you've just bought your copy of the game, you have to unlock this character to join your roster. You can do it in two ways: beat the Hyperbolic Time Chamber (Hard) in Arcade Mode with at least an A rank or collect 500K Zeni. You don't need to have 500K Zeni at one time, just collect all that money in general.
If you want to unlock Goku (SSGSS) in Story Mode, reach Lv. 40 with Goku (Super Saiyan). Once unlocked, can be used always when the default Goku is available.
Vegeta (SSGSS)

The proud Saiyan Prince also reached the SSGSS level. After a long and difficult training with Whis, his power level increased unimaginably. This character will surprise your opponent with a hail of combos that will effectively break every guard. Powerful Final Flash can be boosted with an additional attack if you have an extra 2 energy bars.
Just like Goku (SSGSS), Vegeta (SSGSS) is unlocked immediately if you pre-ordered the game. Also in this case, if you bought the game recently, you can unlock this character by meeting some conditions. This task is -- not much, but still -- slightly easier than with Goku Blue: beat the Extreme Gravity Spaceship (Hard) in Arcade Mode at least an A rank or collect 300K Zeni. Remember that you don't need to have 300K Zeni at one time, just collect all that money in general.
If you want to unlock Vegeta (SSGSS) in Story Mode, reach Lv. 40 with Vegeta (Super Saiyan). Once unlocked, can be used always when the default Vegeta is available.
Android 21

Android 21 is a new character designed by Akira Toriyama himself exclusively for Dragon Ball FighterZ. A mysterious lady scientist who can take a form resembling a female version of Majin Buu. Android 21 just like other androids were created by Dr. Gero. This is a unique character who can absorb the skills of other warriors. She isn't easy to play, but in the right hands she's a very dangerous weapon.
Unlocking Android 21 is not as difficult as it's time-consuming. If you want to use this character in each game mode, you must complete the entire Story Mode. That's all.
Avatars, Titles, Z Stamps, and more

You've already noticed that you can customize your Lobby Avatar, Player Card elements or Z Stamps sets. You can find a huge amount of new characters for use as Avatar, colors and different outfits, backgrounds, and titles for the Player Card in Z Capsules. You can buy it in the Shop (Lobby) for Zeni or Premium Z Coins.
You can earn Zeni by playing the game. Quests from the tutorial, every fight in Story Mode, every battle in the Arena, for everything you do, you get more or less Zeni. One Z Capsule costs 1K Zeni and contains one random item. If you get the same item twice, you'll receive a Premium Z Coin. You can buy a special Z Capsule for the price of 10 Premium Coins and get guaranteed item.
You can use new items in Game Options > Customize or Game Options > Player Info > Edit Player Card. Check our Lobby guide for more information.